Busan news

Your go-to source for all the latest news, updates, and stories from the vibrant city of Busan. Our mission is to keep you informed and connected with everything happening in and around this dynamic metropolis.

Latest Busan news News

Disappearing Police Security Centers in Busan

Busan, South Korea - In recent years, the…

By Maru Kim

“Let’s Go Busan Sports Portal” Launch Enhances Access to Local Facilities

Busan, South Korea - The city of Busan announced…

By Maru Kim

28th Busan Sea Festival: A Spectacular Summer Event at Dadaepo Beach

Busan, South Korea – The dynamic city of Busan…

By Maru Kim

Busan Station Area Revitalized as Urban Renewal Pilot Project

Busan, South Korea - On July 16, 2024, Busan…

By Maru Kim

Busan Accelerates Towards Global Hub Status with Comprehensive Innovation Agenda

Busan, South Korea - In a significant move…

By Maru Kim

Eco Delta City: A Dream of Modern Urban Living Faces Harsh Realities

Busan, South Korea - Eco Delta City, the ambitious…

By Maru Kim

YK Steel’s Relocation: A Catalyst for Economic Renewal in Western Busan

The announcement of YK Steel's relocation from Busan…

By Maru Kim

Busan City Launches Pioneering ESG Job Creation Initiatives for Mid-life Citizens

Busan, South Korea - In a forward-thinking move…

By Maru Kim

Busan’s Apartment Market Faces Uncertainty Amid Economic Challenges

The apartment market in Busan is currently facing…

By Maru Kim